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Case study 1

Textile Wastewater Non-Denim

Successful design, engineering installation and commissioning of Textile MBR package plant.

In order to meet the stringent requirement client environmental compliance , Densep technologies have proposed Membrane Bio Reactor MBR process using SUPRATEC flat sheet submerged membrane technology . The system is package type constructed in sheet metal tank. The inlet design parameters COD/BOD5 are 1000/ 450 mg/l with outlet Quality COD /BOD5 100/30 mg/ respectively.

Date: 3/2/2022
Client:  Apprallel Manufacturer pvt ltd @ Karachi, Pakistan
Capacity: 15000 US GPD
Effluent type:  Dying and Washing

Case study 2

Textile Wastewater Denim

Successful design, engineering installation and commissioning of Textile denim effluent treatment plant.

Denim textile wastewater treatment is difficult due to presence of reducing dying sulfur black and indigo blue. These dyes interfere with the dissolved oxygen and reduce DO  that results in drop of ORP with ultimately effect over nitrification. NWD have successfully design conventional activated sludge process and optimized it using GPS-X wastewater design software and minimize the impact and later on the project was successful executed. 

Date: 12/1/2023
Client:  Artistic Millinium
Capacity: 55 m3/hr

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